Snack & Recess

Only The Best Parts of School


We Offer Group Tutoring,

Kids’ Classes, 

Parent Workshops,

and Teacher Wellness Events

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Small Group Tutoring

(3-6 students)

Snack and Recess makes academic support financially accessible for families by offering small and medium group sessions. We make groups by matching students' learning needs and styles. We won't sign you up until we know we can offer your child a worthwhile experience.

Tutoring is typically literacy or numeracy-focused and pairs students with similar skills and needs.  We're most likely to run high-impact, Orton Gillingham literacy and hands-on math sessions to build key numeracy skills, such as:

  • Number Ninjas: Hands-On Early Numeracy Practice for K, 1st & 2nd Graders,
  • Fact Feeding Frenzy: Game-Based Math Fact Fluency for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders,
  • Game-Based Letter Sounds & CVC Word Building, and
  • Literacy is Lit: Early Reading Club.

Specialty Classes

(capped at 10 students) 

Group classes offer fun, social enrichment opportunities for kids in a safe, teacher-managed setting.  

We're finalizing our menu of classes now, but expect it to include some of the following: 

  • Puzzles & Patterns Playground: Math Enrichment,
  • Seeing Negative Space: Drawing I,
  • Something from Nothing: Upcycled Craft Club,
  • Nature Lab: Learning about the Natural World by Observing, Sketching, & Exploring Artifacts,
  • Storytellers Club: Creative Writing,
  • Newspaper Club,
  • "Old School" Science Fair: Science Fair Project Summer Camp, and
  • Slime, Magnets, Volcanos & Worms: Elementary Science Lab.

Let us know if there is a class you'd really like to see us run!

Parent Workshops


As a teacher, literacy coach, and principal, I've been asked so many thoughtful questions by parents.  These workshops are based on the answers teachers and researchers offer to the most common parent questions.  Our workshops are small, 90 minute sessions that include hands-on planning, case-by-case problem solving, and a packet of resources for you to take home. Topics:

  • How do I convince my child to read at home?
  • Can we end these homework battles?
  • Does screen time really matter, and what am I supposed to do about it? 
  • Help, what does this math homework even mean!?
  • How can I help my little one learn to read?
  • What is a 504, and how does that process work in schools?

We're always open to suggestions. Reach out if you have a burning education question for our team!

Why Groups?

Individual tutoring is great.  Given the right instructor, the right curriculum, and fidelity of service, it absolutely works. Most real-life families get priced out of the frequency and level of support their child really needs, and individual tutoring misses the elements of social learning that make classroom settings so impactful.

Snack and Recess makes academic support financially accessible for families by offering small and medium group sessions, classes, and workshops.  

But any old group won't do. During our registration process, we ask you and your child's teacher for information about their learning needs and style before we finalize enrollment.  We won't sign you up until we know we can offer your child a great experience.

Remember Hands-On Science?

We do!  And we're bringing it back!

Hands-on science makes the list of high-impact, skill-rich, crucial learning activities that don't get as much emphasis in today's school buildings because it doesn't translate directly to standardized test scores.

Geography, civics, book clubs, nature walks, penmanship lessons, craft activities and garden clubs are on that list, too. 

At Snack and Recess, our goal is to support students, families, and teachers by rebuilding the parts of school kids love in a small class or group tutoring setting.  

What class would you MOST like to see us offer?  Let us know!

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